Food Sensitivities - Test Ma
The fitness and body building industry rewards and focuses on the physical aesthetics. While that's all well and good, many individuals and most if not all competitors over-train, consume excess amounts of protein and an abundant amount of supplements to achieve the aesthetic that the industry looks for. Twelve weeks or twenty weeks of eating high quantity of protein and the same types of food can also play into this overburden.
Furthermore, cookie cutter diets during competition prep that does not fit your particular metabolic type, hormone type or constitution type can contribute to post competition weight-gain and rebound. These diet(s) model of one size fits all or most, do not take into account individuals’ metabolic types.
For instance, are you a are you a sympathetic, a balanced or a parasympathetic type and furthermore, are you a slow oxidizer, mixed oxidizer or fast oxidizer. The different types of oxidization types are part of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) and that is concerned with maintenance and regulation of energy, the oxidative system is concerned with the rate at which nutrients are converted to energy within all of your body's 100 trillion cells.
Cookie cutter diets do not and cannot take into account how each individuals metabolize foods and supplements because not everyone is the same. One size does not fit al. Furthermore, what is your constitution type? Are you a mucor type, which deals with circulation and congestion, an aspergillus which is a lymphatic type or a penicillum type which is a bacterial type. Then, there is the hormonal body types. Are you a thyroid type, a pituitary type, gonadal type or an adrenal hormone type? Each hormonal types type require different types of nutrients, protein source and amount as well as supplements.

Along with the proper supplements that respond and work well with your particular body type, a customized program is created for you. Many trainers and coaches do not realize or take into account the burden and damage that the body undergoes from contest preps and competing. Some of which includes:
ï‚· chronic fatigue
ï‚· digestive problems
ï‚· over acidity of the body and tissues
ï‚· bloating
ï‚· adrenal burnouts
ï‚· hormone imbalance and damage to thyroid, adrenal glands, the pancreas and liver (diabetes) and reproductive hormones.
ï‚· autonomic system dysregulation
ï‚· increase stress levels
ï‚· over training injuries
ï‚· gut inflammation (often results from steroid use, too much of the wrong supplements for persons body and genetic make-up, that kills off the healthy bacteria and organisms in the gut)
ï‚· anxiety
ï‚· acne
ï‚· body dysmorphic disorders
Most competitors do not realize the long term affects that competing has on the body. The damage that is done during competition is quite typical and accepted across the board. To build the necessary physique and aesthetics needed to do well in the fitness industry, there is an acceptance of some very unhealthy and questionable dietary plans that involves exceptionally high levels of protein (animal and whey based) and limited nutritional variances in the foods consumed. There is also the over cooking and re-heating of foods in the microwave and the plastic Tupperware and fancy food carriers that the foods are put into.
What about your body's pH levels.? High protein consumption increases the acidity in the body's terrain/ milieu, which is the body's environment. An acidic body is an unhealthy body, regardless of how great you look on stage on show day.
Also, there is a large discrepancy in the quality of nutritional supplements today. Many of the supplements that competitors take during and/or post-contest prep, burden, congest and/or damage the body's organs. Just because a supplement says it's a fat-burner and thermogenic does not mean it's good for every competitor that takes it. Everyone's bio-chemical reactions and metabolic reactions are different. So it is important to test the body and make sure that you're taking the right and appropriate supplement whether it's a fat-burner, testosterone booster or pre-workout nitric oxide etc
Our Fitness & Wellness Programs cover the industry's need for a real holistic and comprehensive way of looking at athletes to prevent and/or repair their bodies from suffering unnecessary and preventable damage.
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